August 25, 2015

New PR Website Coming....!!

We are more than thrilled to have a new website coming soon! Literally we hired our website designers and developers back in November of 2013...almost 20 MONTHS AGO!! We have developed all the content ourselves and are super stoked, after years of planning and finding the right look for our website, we are finally at the end stages of the pipeline!! We are adding a lot more content, easier browsing, lots of easy print preparation steps and TONS more information for our clients. We are providing print hints, a run down of ink variations, templates for your art and much more! We wanted to create a space for our visitors to check out our work and answer any questions they may have, without the hassle of looking anywhere else. We even made an amazing intro video as well!! 

Please check back in the coming weeks, for exclusive offers and to surf our new website!! Seriously its going to change things here in our shop immensely!!

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