December 11, 2013

Foundation For A Better Life Tote Bags

Every year before the holidays, big corporations contact us to help them produce Christmas gifts for their clients. Sometimes its commercial production companies, Actors or this year, Foundation for a Better Life. These guys are an amazing non profit foundation that has thousands of billboards across America with motivational quotes on them, reminding us all what is really important.

Because of all the media and billboard space FBL receives during the year, they definitely have a LOT of people to thank...just around 5000 to be exact. That is how many tote bags we produced for them this year, and it was very tedious but exciting to be able to help them.

Because of the quantity that we ordered, the totes came to our shop on a pallet, and we printed each one of them with a 2 color print. We also were hired to tag and individually fold/ship each one as well (those photos to come...).

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